Our services

Tachograph downloads and analysis

Carrying out your legal requirement to regularly download and analyse your drivers’ digital tachograph cards/analogue charts can be a laborious task. But it’s not an area in which you can afford to cut corners.

We’re here to ease the burden by doing it all for you. We use our in house analysis software. This highlights all the compliance needs, specifically –

This Tachograph maintenance work is a mandatory requirement of your operators’ licence

Tachograph analysis and reporting

As an Operator licence holder, you are responsible for ensuring that you have an appropriate process in place for analysing and reporting on any infringements that might occur.

We’ll support you by performing a monthly analysis of your driver and vehicle tachograph records.

Whether they are analogue charts or digital records, we’ll take care of processing them. We’ll produce a range of reports to support you in monitoring your vehicle and driver compliance and fulfil your responsibilities as a transport operator.


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